So You Want To Keep Your Cookies Secure

At Social Tables, we have this Koa app that needs to read and set a session cookie. We don’t want to send that cookie over an unencrypted connection, though. We use koa-generic-session for session management. That library uses the cookies library under-the-hood, and luckily, there’s a simple configuration option to avoid sending cookies over an… Continue reading So You Want To Keep Your Cookies Secure

Making the Correct Insanely Difficult

tl;dr If you’re trying to configure nginx on Elastic Beanstalk to redirect http requests to https, here’s what I learned. During deployment, the nginx configuration for your app is located at this file path: /tmp/deployment/config/#etc#nginx#conf.d#00_elastic_beanstalk_proxy.conf via Using a container command, you can edit that nginx configuration file right before it gets deployed. I used a… Continue reading Making the Correct Insanely Difficult

Easily prune your ssh known_hosts file

At some point, you’ve probably seen this message when you try to log in to one of your servers: This is really common when you have Amazon EC2 instances behind Elastic IPs because the IP address stays the same (and probably the hostname, too), but as new instances replace old instances, the new instances’ ssh… Continue reading Easily prune your ssh known_hosts file